Monday, 11 January 2010

Well, here goes my first post of 2010!

Firstly I would like to say Happy New Year to all, and now for my actually point of this post, and its to due with cinema, and 3D films, yes, I have entered the realm of 3D movies, all be it I have only seen two, but the differences are noticable to a very high standard, so we shall start with erm, the first one that I watched, The Final Destination 3D, and to be honest, its terrible, on a 3D level and film level, nothing short of, mm how to put it, ran out of ideas but lets face it will make money of the franchise name, and it did because my sister was stupid enough to buy them all, but thats beside the point, the 3D elements of the film are not done very well and hardly any of the 'Ahh, its coming towards me' parts of the film didn't make me think that they where flying out the screen and about to rip my head off, I just felt like they where blurred objects, but enough about that one, oh yeah, this was a DVD release but surely that shouldn't make any difference, anyhow, time to move onto.....

Avatar, which is simply amazing, in 2D and 3D I must add, this one I watched in the cinema with glasses that said 'Real D 3D', do they make any difference over the shitty plastic excuses the DVD gives you, maybe, I dont really wont to view Final Destination again to find out, oh sorry I'm rambling again, back to teh cinema, before Avatar started you get trailers, which where in 3D and actually stood out, so onto the film, for anyone whose seen it, you'll most probably agree with me that it is quite simply brilliant, graphically and storywise, I ahd all ready been to see the film in 2D and had been told that I would need to see it 3D, so I went back to the cinema and how I'm glad I did, once you get into the main part of the film on Pandora I was fascinated by how clear everything was and how good it looked, I actually felt like a child again inside due to the excitement inside, I loved every minute of it, I wont spoil it for the people who have not seen it but I fully recommend that you watch the film in 3D or 2D, but preferable 3D, anyhow what 3D adventure will I watch next, my sister has Coraline on dvd so I shall watch that, and I shall use the glasses I got from Avatar (I paid £9.50 to see the film so I took upon myself to keep them as they gave them to me when I paid for the ticket, so one assumed they where including in the price) instead of the crappy things that came with the dvd to see if it makes a difference.