Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The Maid Marian Restaurant Website Review.

The Maid Marian Restaurant.

The website is done quite nicely and looks very clean and professional, the layout is good and the information is easy to find, the navigation is set out well and the page is not cluttered with needless images or information.

The home page gets straight to the point with a description of the restaurant and a short description of how things are ran in the restaurant, I think this a good thing as it gives you an insight of what to expect when you are dining there.

Again the layout of the site stays the same when you navigate to other pages and uses a different image on each page in the header, the images are relevant to the page and it works well with the site.

As you’d expect from a restaurant website they do have a menu page, well two to be precise, which are both done well and keeps the main course meals and other dishes separate, they also have descriptions of how there stock is obtained and how it is cooked at the top and the meal descriptons have information about what they contain.

Other pages include special occasions, where to find us, information on the wine list and a contact page which all keep to the same layout and contain relevant information about the restaurant.

The right hand side of the page contains different information for example, the opening times, customer comment and special offers, there is also a little fault in the text box as the text overlaps the actual box.

The site all in all is very well done and contains lots of information about the restaurant, I can’t really see any negative things about the site except for the overlapping text on the right hand side menu which can be easily fixed.